Welcome to Smart Villages Toolbox

Smart Villages Digital Toolbox is a digital tool that helps resolving local challenges by empowering communities in development and decision processes. It helps you define what your community needs in terms of smart transition.

The Toolbox suggests innovative methods and techniques that help effectively address the challenges that individuals or communities want to address. It will lead you through participatory process and help you establish a group of relevant stakeholders. It also includes examples of existing good practices from all across Europe.

Begin your process by answering the questionnaire below!

We will guide you trough four basic phases which will help you compose your own, personalised roadmap equipped with methods and existing examples that will help your community effectively address local challenges.

Name of the community
Community size
Which smart dimension do you want to addres?
An in-depth smartness self-assessment can be acquired through the Digital exchange platform.
You wish to discover new, smart, integrated forms of transportation
You wish to improve public services, increase their efficiency, improve community leadership, explore possibilities for mobile working etc.
You wish to discover new and innovative modes/strategies to business approach, business development
You wish to discover innovative and smart ways to enhance sustainable and smart approaches for local territory and environment
You wish to find innovative approaches/ solutions to improve general quality of life
You wish to discover and stimulate approaches that promote (social) innovation and are inclusive of whole society
Start building your custom plan

© 2020 Smart Villages.